Folliculitis Pictures - 54 Photos & Images
Every hair on your body grows from a follicle under the skin. Folliculitis occurs when hair follicles become infected. Folliculitis can occur in children or adults, but is uncommon before age 2. See what folliculitis looks like in our visual guide to children's rashes and skin conditions.
Signs and symptoms This uncomfortable condition causes pimples or white-headed pustules to form around the hair follicles. The sores may crust over, are often itchy and uncomfortable, and can be painful if the condition becomes more severe. It typically occurs on the neck, under the arms, in the groin area, and on the face, arms, legs, and buttocks.
Follicles become infected when bacteria that are always present on our skin, typically Staphylococcus, get into the follicle. This can happen when something irritates the follicles, creating an opening through which bacteria can enter. For example, clothes rubbing against the skin, a cut or scrape, a bandage that's on the skin for too long, or shaving can lead to infected hair follicles. One form of the rash is caused by bacteria in unclean pools and hot tubs. Children tend to stay in the water longer than adults, so they're more likely to get folliculitis, especially where a wet bathing suit touches their skin. The rash is also more common in people who have a skin condition such as eczema or acne. And it's more likely when the weather is warm and humid.