Herpes on Feet Pictures - 11 Photos & Images
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) can cause blisters and sores almost anywhere on the skin. These sores usually occur either around the mouth and nose, or on the genitals and buttocks. HSV infections can be very annoying because they can periodically reappear. The sores may be painful and unsightly. For chronically ill people and newborn babies, the viral infection can be serious, but rarely fatal. There are two types of HSV - Type 1 and Type 2 The Type 1 virus causes cold sores. Most people get Type 1 infections during infancy or childhood. They usually catch it from close contact with family members or friends who carry the virus. It can be transmitted by kissing, sharing eating utensils, or by sharing towels. The sores most commonly affect the lips, mouth, nose, chin or cheeks and occur shortly after exposure. Patients may barely notice any symptoms or need medical attention for relief of pain. The Type 2 virus causes genital sores. Most people get Type 2 infections following sexual contact with an infected person. The virus affects anywhere between 5 and 20 million people, or up to 20 percent of all sexually active adults in the United States. With either type of herpes simplex, you can spread lesions by touching an unaffected part of the body after toughing a herpes lesion.
Herpes is the scientific name used for eight related A viruses of humans. Herpes simplex is related to the viruses that cause infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr Virus), chicken pox and shingles (varicella zoster virus).
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Often referred to as fever blisters or cold sores, HSV Type 1 infections are tiny, clear, fluid-filled blisters that most often occur on the face. Less frequently, Type 1 infections occur in the genital area. Type 1 may also develop in wounds on the skin. Nurses, physician, dentists, and other health care workers rarely get a herpetic sore after HSV enters a break in the skin of their fingers. There are two kinds of infections - primary and recurrent. Although most people when exposed to the virus get infected, only 10% will actually develop sores or cold blisters when this infection occurs. The sores of a primary infection appear two to twenty days after contact with an infected person and can last from seven to ten days. The number of blisters varies from one to a group of blisters. Before the blisters appear, the skin may itch or become very sensitive. The blisters can break as a result of minor injury, allowing the fluid inside the blisters to ooze and crust. Eventually, crusts fall off, leaving slightly red healing skin. The sores from the primary infection heal completely and rarely leave a scar. However, the virus that caused the infection remains in the body. It moves to nerve cells where it remains in a resting state. Many people will not have a recurrence. Others will have a recurrence either in the same location as the first infection or in a nearby site. The infections may recur every few weeks or less frequently. Recurrent infections tend to be milder than primary infections. They can be set off by a variety of factors including fever, sun exposure, and a menstrual period. However, for many, the recurrence is unpredictable and has no recognizable cause.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection with herpes simplex virus Type 2 usually results in sores on the buttocks, penis, vagina or cervix, two to twenty days after contact with an infected person. Sexual intercourse is the most frequent means of getting the infection. Both primary and repeat attacks can cause problems including; a minor rash or itching, painful sores, fever, aching muscles and a burning sensation during urination. HSV Type 2 may also occur in locations other than the genital area, but is usually found below the waist. As with Type 1, sites and frequency of repeated bouts vary. The initial episode can be so mild that a person does not realize that he or she has an infection. Years later, when there is a recurrence of HSV, it may be mistaken for an initial attack, leading to unfair accusations about the source of infection. After the initial attack, the virus moves to nerve cells remaining there until set off again by a menstrual period, fever, physical contact, stress, or something else. Pain or unusual tenderness of the skin may begin between one to several days before both primary and recurrent infections develop. This is called a prodrome.