Early Signs of Skin Cancer Pictures - 15 Photos & Images

The beginning signs of skin cancer involve a change in the skin. This may mean that a new lump or sore has formed on the skin, that a new mole has popped up, or that an existing mole has begun to grow or change in shape.

Actinic Keratosis
Actini Keratosis (AK) is a pre-cancerous growth that may become skin cancer over time. AKs may show up as small patches on the skin that are pink, rough, dry, and/or scaly. The patches may be painful, burning, or itchy, particularly when pressure is applied. A pre-cancerous skin growth may indicate the beginnings of skin cancer. If you notice a spot like that make be an AK, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to plan a course of action, which will like involve monitoring the spot on a regular basis to watch for any changes.

Signs of Basal Cell Carcinomas
Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), or tumors developing from basal cell cancer, may be firm, flat, pale areas or raised areas that are pink, red, or translucent and shiny. Bumps may bleed after a minor cut or injury. Typically, BCCs appear on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun.

Signs of Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), or tumors developing from squamous cell cancers, may show up as lumps that grow slowly over time, or may look like reddish patches on the skin that also get larger. The most common places for SCC to form are on the arms, legs, face, ears, and lips.

Signs of Melanoma
While it is very uncommon that squamous or basal cell carcinomas will cause death, melanoma may be fatal if the disease spreads to other organ systems or places in the body. In many instances, a self-exam will help reveal a melanoma in the beginning signs of skin cancer. If the melanoma has spread, it can be cured by removing the affected area through surgery. Common early symptoms of melanoma include a new mole or freckle that pops up suddenly and grows quickly or any change to a mole or other pigmented area such as birthmarks and large freckles. Any moles or blemishes that change texture, shape, or color, any spots that are black, or any pigmented areas that itch or bleed may also indicate the early stages of melanoma.

1 comment the pictures Early Signs of Skin Cancer
3 +1 -1 sharon 05.01.2018 05:53:39

these pictures were helpful. I actually was looking for photos that look like the ones one my face. #1 and pic #15 are the ones that look close to it. Its been spreading for over a year and everyone said it was hyper pigmentation, now im worried. Thanks much for a great article.

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