Erysipelas on Leg Symptoms Pictures - 28 Photos & Images
Erysipelas is a superficial infection of the skin, which typically involves the lymphatic system. Erysipelas is also known as St. Anthony's Fire, an accurate description of the intensity of this rash. Erysipelas was a feared disease in pre-antibiotic days, especially in infants.
Erysipelas is most often caused by a specific Streptococcus bacteria known as Group A Streptococcus. In a few cases, it can be caused by other types of Streptococcus or Staphylococcus bacteria. Some cases of erysipelas have an inciting wound such as trauma, an abrasion, or some other break in the skin that precede the fiery infection. However, in most cases, no break in the skin can be found.
Erysipelas was previously found mainly on the face. However, now it is seen most commonly on the lower extremities. Erysipelas tends to occur in areas where the lymphatic system is obstructed. A cluster of symptoms typically precede the appearance of the rash by 4 to 48 hours.
These symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue, anorexia, and vomiting. The rash then quickly appears as a bright red, hot, swollen, shiny patch that has clearly defined borders. The consistency of the rash is similar to an orange peel, also known as "peau d'orange".
Picture of erysipelas on the cheek
Picture of erysipelas on the face
Diagnosis of Erysipelas. Erysipelas is diagnosed mainly by the appearance of the rash. Blood tests and skin biopsies generally do not help make the diagnosis. In the past, saline solution was injected into the edge of the rash, aspirated back out, and cultured for bacteria. This method of diagnosis is not used anymore because bacteria were not found in the majority of cases. If the preceding symptoms such as fever and fatigue are significant enough, sometimes blood is drawn and cultured for bacteria to rule out sepsis.