Herpes on Back Pictures - 18 Photos & Images

The most common locations for HSV-1 infections include:
Mouth (including gums, tongue, roof of mouth, and inside the cheeks)

Shortly after exposure to the virus, a newly infected person may develop fluid-filled blisters, occurring singly or in a cluster of several blisters. These blisters may be yellow to gray and are fragile, so that many people never notice blisters but instead see tiny open sores (ulcers). These ulcers subsequently become scabbed over and may appear dry and yellow. The scabs eventually fall off, leaving a red area that fades. The first (primary) outbreak of HSV typically lasts 1–3 weeks.

In mild cases of primary orofacial HSV infection, an individual may develop 1–2 cold sores or may notice no symptoms at all. The lymph nodes in the neck may or may not be swollen. In severe cases of HSV infection, cold sores may involve the entire lining of the mouth and both lips. These severe infections may be accompanied by fever, sore throat, foul breath, and difficulty eating.

Repeat (recurrent) HSV infections are often milder than the primary infection, though they look alike. However, some people never develop the symptoms of a primary HSV infection and may mistake a recurrent infection for a primary infection. A recurrent infection typically lasts 7–10 days. People who are prone to recurrent outbreaks tend to get them 3–4 times per year.

Many people with recurrent HSV infections report that the skin lesions are preceded by sensations of burning, itching, or tingling (prodrome). About 24 hours after the prodrome symptoms begin, the actual lesions appear as one or more small blisters or open sores, which eventually become scabbed over.

Triggers of recurrent HSV infections include:
Fever or illness
Sun exposure
Hormonal changes, such as those due to menstruation or pregnancy
Trauma, such as that caused by dental work or cuts from shaving

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